Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Six Types of Advertising

When trying to determine how and where to market your business, you should consider which avenues to advertise your business. There are six:

1. Broadcast Advertising (TV and Radio)
2. Print Advertising (Publications, Magazines, and Newspapers)
3. Outdoor/Display Advertising (Billboards, Park Benches, Posters)
4. Direct Mail
5. Email Marketing
6. Internet Banner Advertisements

Each avenue has different benefits and different costs, and determining which is best for your business can be tricky.

Budget is the first thing that should be considered. If you can't afford it, don't do it. But getting the most ROI on your advertising dollars is what matters most. ANd remember, advertising is not a necessary evil. It is just downright NECESSARY. You have expended all of your sweat and energy for your product or service, the only thing left is to tell the world about it. Getting your company's name out there is the only thing you have left standing between your product or service and a transaction.


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